Help needed with Extra Sensors Graphing

in the setup
it alternates temp/hum/temp/hum sensor
so set to show sensor #5 instead of sensor #4

Thanks Brian. That issue is solved.

How do I get sensor #5 to plot on the main screen graph?

see in the graph setup,misc setup, plot this extra temp sensor instead of indoor temp

I cannot get my soil temp to show up following this procedure.

And I’m confused. Is my extra temp sensor (soil) now #4 or #5?

the change you made to the extra sensor real time graph did not change the order of the extra sensor actual data

Something’s not right with the soil temp sensor.

On the main screen, the soil temp is 50.7F. In the Dallas 1-Wire Reader, the Extra Temp #4 is 45.3F. In the Extra Sensor Real Time Graph, it’s 54.2F
There are no offsets entered…unless I’ve missed one.

Any suggestions?

seems to be some confusion
as you refer to sensor #5 and then sensor #4

Indeed there is confusion.

I’m trying again with a clean slate. See attached screen prints.

I have entered my two additional 1-Wire temperature sensors as Extra Temp #1 and #2.

I have placed these into the Extra Sensor Real Time Graph as shown.

I also put them on the main screen as shown.

I have entered no temp offsets.

How come they are showing different temperatures?


main screen.JPG

what interval do you have set for the extra sensor graph update
ie are you comparing the same with same
and what custom tags are you using for the main screen to show those values

Extra sensor graph update interval is 60 seconds.

I’m not sure what you mean by custom tags. Labels? If so, Pond and Soil labels.

The pond is about 4000 gallons of water so not very fast to change. The soil temp probe is buried about 10 inches below the surface in a raised bed garden. Not fast to change either.

what custom tags are you using for the main screen (for the pond and soil)

In the Setup /Extra/Misc/Custom Screen Settings…Custom Labels and Custom Tags…none are used.

that means that the pond value is the indoor temperature data value
you can add custom tags to show the extra temp data you want to see

This look correct as far as custom tags go?

The temperature difference between what’s shown on the Main Screen and in the Dallas 1-Wire Reader is my concern.

Dallas 1-Wire Reader:

Extra temp #1 is showing 8.2C (46.76F).
Extra temp #2 is showing 6.9C (44.42F).

Main Screen:

Pond is 49.5F
Soil is 52.0F

I do not have an indoor temp sensor anywhere.

main screen.JPG

no, that is not how you set to use custom tags on the main screen
I do have a youtube video showing how to set that

I had no idea you added those features to WD! That’s great! Problems solved.

Guess this ancient Weather Display user needs to update more often.

thanks, Brian.

Can I change font size and make bold the custom labels?

Can I change the color of the custom labels and data value?

If so, how? I don’t see anything in the video regarding this.



you can change the colour of some of the custom tags to use the data colour if you are using the latest update of WD
the font is the same otherwise as the other labels

which can look a little strange when you add a custom label to the graph area. . . see custom label "Garden %extratemp1%
