Clientraw.txt not being updated

WD on the weather computer worked perfectly to get USB data, display it, log it and and graph it throughout - as you can see from this screenshot. The only thing it didn’t do was update clientraw.txt for 3 hours. . .

The earlier post showed my client display, which takes its data direct from clientraw.txt in wdisplay\webfiles on the weather computer.

Is webfiles.PNG from the source PC or the client PC?

How is the client PC connected to the source PC?

I missed that , that the flat line was from the client

webfiles.PNG is from the source PC, which behaved well in every respect except updating clientraw.txt. So client PC, Weather Display Live and Weather34 were not updating - they all showed 1623 data for the next 3 hours. There was no break in WUnderground data, however.

Unattended source PC runs Win 10 Home, so can’t network “properly”, but it connects to client PC (Win 10 Pro) with Microsoft Homegroup - effectively it shows as a mapped network drive - and client PC reads clientraw.txt directly. It’s been working well for some time. . .

Only recent change has been installation of a test weatherdisplay.exe to help with the real WD flat-lining problem. This time WD did not flat-line.

I know you missed that. . .

I do try my best, but often I have multiple things going on at once and multiple people to deal with , all with different things to deal with
its not easy

No worries! I am seriously impressed by the number of plates you can keep spinning. . .

And this problem is hardly urgent, I didn’t lose any data.

Here we go again. . .

Went back to original WeatherDisplay.exe and restarted - no change for the better, still not updating.


Beginning to wonder if I should look at this the other way round. . . maybe the client PC locks the clientraw.txt file “in use” and prevents the weather PC from overwriting it. Perhaps I’ll try restarting client WD next time, instead of the “server” WD.

Delete the file and see if that allows a new one to be written.

Good idea. . . but might tell me it can’t delete it if it’s “open” or “in use”. (Can a .txt file be “in use”?) I’ll try.

Switched client PC to read clientraw.txt from the server today (long way round for a short cut!) only to get a string of (server-based) FTP problems. So it goes. . .

you could try a batch file and schedule it to copy the clientraw to a different folder and get the client PC to read that instead

This doesn’t help track down the clientraw update problem, it only helps me pick up FTP problems. So yesterday I went back to reading clientraw direct from the “mapped” weather PC. And when I went to turn the client PC off at midnight it had flat-lined, from 2330. . . but I was too tired to investigate, I’d been working in the garden all afternoon!

OK, client PC WD flat-lined this morning and, once again, clientraw.txt was not being updated on the weather PC - see snip.

Tried niko’s suggestion but, as expected, was unable to delete it as the file was “open in System”. I restarted WD on the weather PC, but clientraw.txt stayed stuck at 1026 until I shut down the client WD, when clientraw.txt was immediately updated at 1103.

It would seem that the problem is caused by client PC WD flat-lining (without a USB connection in sight!), locking clientraw.txt open and preventing weather PC WD from updating it.

I think that would also lock up the batch file copy idea?

Never mind, I can always go back to getting clientraw.txt from the server - as long as FTP behaves!


I smell a network burp. How does the client access the file, mapped drive, share, or?

As explained earlier in this thread, above. . . Kind of annoys me that both PCs are physically plugged into the same router/hub but Win 10 Home PC can’t be “seen” on the Win 10 Pro PC network.

Network burp would surely have been resolved by restarting WD on weather PC? As it was, I had to restart WD on client PC.

I’m no expert, any/all suggestions welcome!

Oh yeah, I had forgotten that little wrinkle :roll: I wouldn’t know where to start to unravel that situation - except by using FTP instead. That might burp but it shouldn’t take ownership of the file.

I would say the network burp is happening while the client pc is trying to read the clientraw.txt file on the main pc thus locking the file.
try scheduling the clientraw.txt file to be copied from the main pc to a folder on the client and have the client read it from there instead

Worth trying. I’ll have a look at that, thanks.

Later edit: but I suppose there’s always going to be the risk of an update coming in while the file is being read. . .

WD does have a multicast ability , why not try that?