Average Wind Direction for WD Dials like WD Live?

Is there a setting in WD where the wind direction dial on the WD main display screen can be set to show the average over the last 10 minutes as well as the current direction like WD Live does?

As I understand it the two different needles on the WD direction are for the following:

  1. Latest direction reading
  2. Direction reading of last gust

On a day like today the wind direction is all over the place and I’m trying to figure out the average wind direction of the last 10 minutes by looking at WD’s main screen rather than looking at our WD Live web page (which I almost never use because I’m trying get away from using Flash based websites)

you can set to show the 10 minute average direction under the wind direction dial (see under control panel, units setup, wind setup)
otherwise the smaller needle is the last 1 minute average