Real time client *Fixed*

It just happened. This is what was in the realtimeclient before I just restarted it…

Sending local version: "SSH-2.0-IP*Works! SSH Client v9.0". Read remote version string: "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.7p1 Debian-5+deb8u1~ui80+7". Beginning key exchange Preparing algorithm negotiation. Sending local enabled algorithm list. Reading remote enabled algorithm list. Selected key exchange algorithm: "diffie-hellman-group14-sha1". Selected server host key algorithm: "ssh-rsa". Selected client encryption algorithm: "aes256-ctr". Selected server encryption algorithm: "aes256-ctr". Selected client MAC algorithm: "hmac-sha1". Selected server MAC algorithm: "hmac-sha1". Selected client compression algorithm: "none". Selected server compression algorithm: "none". Algorithm negotiation complete. Sending Diffie-Hellman key exchange initialization request. Verifying server's Diffie-Hellman key exchange response. Diffie-Hellman key exchange complete. Calculating key sets. Sending new key packet to server. Setting client keys. Received new key packet from server. Setting server keys. Key exchange complete. Requesting service "ssh-userauth".