Corrupt clientraw files

If the pointers (= URL http:// . . . . ) are removed from the xml, WDL will read the files as a local file from the wddata folde
=> there should be no error message as a 404 is not used in that case and if the file is present WDL will process it.

With the pointers (= URL http:// . . . . ) in the xml, WDL will read the files as an external file and the 404 error message will occur.
For WDL as for the clientraw parser, that strange 404 error message is certainly NOT a clientraw.txt and WDL will issue its own message.

Does not matter where you startt WDL from, from inside or outside your house.
For IIS => http:// means an external request and with a .txt file it will generate the error message.
