Weather Display goes flat line

Sometimes Windows 10 updates make changes to settings, on the grounds that Microsoft knows best. . .

Yes, Microsoft is in a world of their own…

the latest zip update of WD will try and restart the separate WMR200 program if no data is coming in from the USB
but that is not likely to fix it if windows has powered down the USB port

I just returned home from three days away and saw that it went flat line today. I have attached two screen shots. One of the Weather Display window and one of the windows settings showing the USB and hard drive settings.

Shall I try the latest Weather Display update? I haven’t done that since I found selective USB shut down enabled the other day.

KOHPATAS3 101117a.jpg

I would

Had to shut down and restart WD (build 58) manually this morning for a Windows 10 update/restart. On startup all appeared to go well: the history data was read and decoded and the DQ light showed green, and DR stayed red as it always does for a couple of minutes. Then DQ went red again and the data gatherer decided to shut down and restart - successfully, I might add. See debug info.

But as far as I know there was no need for it to shut down on this occasion. Is it going to happen every time I start up?


I am having issues again with my Weather Display 10.37s66 going flat line. It locks up. I can’t even shut it down with windows Task Manager or Process Explorer. I have to hold the PC power button in until the computer shuts down. It is totally random. It might go a week until the next lock up or it might go a day. Any ideas on what I can do to stop this? I did change weather stations but don’t think that is the issue as it worked for a while.


what weather station type?
the more information you can provide the better

I have a Davis Vantage Vue station. Windows 10 home, 64 bit with 12 GB Ram. The weather station is on WU as KOHPATAS3. My current version of Weather Display is 10.37S66

what data logger type?

I don’t know where to look for the data logger.

is it a USB data logger?

Yes it is a data logger. It is a Belfryboy Clone USB logger. It is not a Davis logger. I had this problem before with my Oregon Scientific WX station that had a USB port directly into my PC also. It is locked up now. I will not do anything with it until I hear from you in case you want me to try something.

make sure windows is not set to power down the USB port
(I do have a you tube video about setting that (selective suspend))
also try updating to the latest silcon labs usb driver

I did all of that and will reset the computer and see what happens. I had to change some of the items to match what you had.


did you also update the driver?

I did update the driver also.


It locked up again. The only way I can close the program is to shut down the computer and restart it.


that sounds like a driver issue
locking up is a different thing to flat line though

so I am a bit confused

you could try putting tin foil around the usb plug

I moved the USB cable from the weather station base unit to another slot on the computer to see if that helps. I got to looking at the driver again and am not sure the new Silabs driver is installed. I tried to do it again and am not sure how to do it. When I go to update the driver it says it has the most up to date driver. I attached pictures from the USB driver window if that might help.


USB Controllers Events.png

USB Controllers Driver.png

USB Controllers Driver File Details.png

USB Controllers Advanced.png