UI-View32 weather info file

From the UI-View help file
Weather Data Format
Here, between the two lines of ''s is the format of the file your wx software needs to create (the lines of ''s are not part of the file).

Jun 01 2003 08:07

272 - wind direction - 272 degrees
010 - wind speed - 10 mph

g015 - wind gust - 15 mph
t069 - temperature - 69 degrees F
r010 - rain in last hour in hundredths of an inch - 0.1 inches
p030 - rain in last 24 hours in hundredths of an inch - 0.3 inches
P020 - rain since midnight in hundredths of an inch - 0.2 inches
h61 - humidity 61% (00 = 100%)
b10153 - barometric pressure in tenths of a millibar - 1015.3 millibars

The first line is the time the file was created in local PC time. Please note that the day of the month, the hour and the minute must be padded to two digits with zeros if needed, so this would be wrong - Jun 1 2003 8:7.

The second line is the wx report, in the format used in APRS “complete weather reports”.

Not all the values need to be sent, but you should at least include wind direction, windspeed, wind gust and temperature. If any of them are not available, then replace the value with three dots - “…”

If humidity and temperature are included, then a UI-View32 system receiving the beacon will also calculate and display dew point temperature. If temperature and wind speed are included, then a UI-View system receiving it will also calculate and display wind chill temperature.