WD and the SQL Database Setup


At first I would suggest updating to latest version of WD. Mods
have been made since your vers. regarding mySQL.

After, Control Panel → MYSQL Database

There, set up paramters for your mySQL database. Ringt buton on ‘On’, Save.

Next clion Run the wdmysql.exe program now

Depending on the Windows version you have, you can
access this program any time if running, n the bottom left of your screen
the little up triangle, left clic, you should seen an icon kind of vertical blue tube (barrel).
Left clic and choose show.

You shouls now have the WDMYSQL vers 10.7 showing.

Do what you wish, but. DO NOT use ‘Setup custom’ it does NOT work.

Hope it help.

Other solution writing your own php script to maintain a mySQL data base
structured as you wish and getting data from your testtags.php file.
Run as cron job every xx minutes.


-= Guy =-