Noaa Style Reports


I was working on the Temperature Detail addon page for WD-AJAX-PHP-USA template script when I encountered a problem with the Noaa Style Reports.

I was trying to use the Select the date to calculate feature to get the files and then upload to mysite.
Any way it worked fine from 2015 to about 2010 I took a break and now am having some issues. I got most of what I needed from 2015 down to 2010 and some sporatic months down to 2008.

Now I can’t even get the 2010 files – Selecting a month and a year - anything below 2011 will either hang or calculate and come back with a Dec 2015 calculation.

The only thing I tried was to shut down and restart WD - (wd version 10.37R b79 ) running windows 10.

I also used the program in the same section – View - Averages/Extremes Noaa Style Reports /
Detailed Climate Report down to year 2007 and all worked fine.

Any suggestions??

Thanks for any help,




the problem is , those files do not exist on your web server
you need to upload those missing files

I have created a youtube video of how to recreate a missing NOAA report and upload it to your web site

(link near the bottom of the list of videos)