Online/offline indicator


I was wondering whether anyone had a script that would indicate whether the station was online or offline. I have tried writing my own based on comparing the current time with the time tag in the clientraw file, but my php coding is not good enough. I know its possible, just don’t know how.

Any help much appreciated!


Hi Paul,
I check the file modified time of my clientraw file and if it is over a certain amount of time (5 minutes) I display an appropriate “no data since etc etc” message where the time of last update is on my webpage.

if ($nowval > $updval + 300) 
   echo ".....station OFFLINE code here......"; 
   echo ".....station ONLINE code here...... ";

although this didn’t work as desired with my downtime last month as clientraw was uploading ok but with stale data.

I use a couple of way of telling me the site is offline -

flatline-check.php from

Ian and Martyn,

Have just created a page to record whether station is on or offline. Tried to include it in my footer but didn’t work for some reason. Not one to solve on a Friday night!

Thanks for your help…

I can see it in your footer ok :slight_smile:

Me too, nicely done :smiley:


That looks really neat.

He version in the footer is cheating. It’s just some text with formatting!


lol it worked, I was taken in

Aah, I was fooled too lol

So what code did you try to include the script, something like…

<?php include("includes/online_status.php"); ?>



I tried the usual php include function but that sent all the formatting crazy. I think there are a few rogue div functions in my footer.php code.

The other weird thing was that as a standalone code it returned online, whereas when I called it via the include function it returned offline!

I tried for about an hour to fix, and reverted to the cheat!


Without seeing the code I don’t know what the issue is, but I am sure you will get that “AHA!” moment and get it working.

I use a script based off of the clientraw that says this after 5 minutes of no activity… We are currently fixing technical difficulties, or the power is out. Past data will be updated once Live updates resume.

But I do also like the button showing online/offline.

I use a script by Mike Challis which runs off the clientraw file and displays:
We are currently experiencing technical difficulties.
Live updates will be restored as soon as possible.

Create a new file called “live-update.php” and add the below script into it.
Then add a standard php include where you want the text to appear.

<?php include("live-update.php"); ?>
// version 1.3 - 14-Dec-2008  added make sure full clientraw.txt is read
// version 1.2 - 14-Dec-2008  added setting for non US date format in clientraw.txt
// version 1.1 - 14-Dec-2008  added better format of offline time
// Live Update Error script for WD
// Mike Challis ( and
// Ken True  (
global $SITE;
// begin settings for Live Updates Error
// uncomment only one $lu_crfile setting below
$lu_crfile = './clientraw.txt';        // to set manually (set to relative file path)
$lu_refreshSecs = 240;  // set to max seconds of age for clientraw.txt
$lu_test_the_warning = false; // true or false
$lu_check_filedata = true;  // check the file internal timestamp
$lu_non_us_date = true; //  clientraw.txt with non en_US date format (d/m/y)
$lu_timezone = 'Europe/London';   // set to YOUR timezone
// end settings Live Updates Error
// --- begin overrides from Settings.php if availablSettings.php if availablee
if (isset($SITE['tz'])) 		{$lu_timezone = $SITE['tz'];}
if (isset($site['clientrawfile'])) {$lu_crfile = $SITE['clientrawfile']; }
// --- end overrides from Settings.php

if (isset($_REQUEST['sce']) && ( strtolower($_REQUEST['sce']) == 'view' or
    strtolower($_REQUEST['sce']) == 'show') ) {
   //--self downloader --
   $filenameReal = __FILE__;
   $download_size = filesize($filenameReal);
   header('Pragma: public');
   header('Cache-Control: private');
   header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
   header("Content-type: text/plain");
   header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
   header("Content-Length: $download_size");
   header('Connection: close');

if(isset($_REQUEST['testwarn'])) {
  $lu_test_the_warning = true;

$lu_error = 0;
if (isset($lu_crfile)) {
  if (!file_exists($lu_crfile) ) {     // missing CR
    print "<p class=\"advisoryBox2\">Live Updates Error: Data file not found.\n";
    print "<!-- $lu_crfile -->\n"; 
    $lu_error = 1;
  } else {
      $lu_now = time();
      $lu_crfile_time = filemtime($lu_crfile);
      $lu_crfile_age = $lu_now - $lu_crfile_time;
	  $crage = 0;
	  if ($lu_check_filedata) {
	    $crdata = explode(' ',file_get_contents($lu_crfile));  // fetch clientraw.txt
        // make sure full clientraw.txt is read by looking for '12345' at start and '!!' at end of record
        if (isset($crdata[0]) && $crdata[0] == '12345' && isset($crdata[174])) {
		  $crtime = explode('-',$crdata[32]);    // get time from last field in name-time entry
		  $crtime = $crtime[count($crtime)-1];   // just the last entry
		  $crtime = preg_replace('|_|is',' ',$crtime);
		  $crdate = $crdata[74];    // updated date in CR
          if ($lu_non_us_date) {
            $cr_date = explode("/",$crdate);
            $crdate = strftime("%m/%d/%Y",mktime(0,0,0,$cr_date[1],$cr_date[0],$cr_date[2]));
		  $crtimezone = date("T",time());
		  $crdatetime = strtotime("$crdate $crtime $crtimezone");
		  $crage = abs($lu_now - $crdatetime);
		  print "<!-- Data file '$crdate $crtime $crtimezone' is $crage secs old -->\n";
        } else {
          print "<!-- Data file was blank or not complete -->\n";
      print "<!-- $lu_crfile file age = $lu_crfile_age secs. -->\n";
	  $lu_crfile_age = max($lu_crfile_age,$crage);  // use the older of the two

      if ($lu_test_the_warning) { // show test message
        print "<p class=\"advisoryBox2\">Showing Test Live Updates Error because \$lu_test_the_warning is turned on.\n";
        $lu_error = 1;
      else if ($lu_crfile_age > $lu_refreshSecs)  {     // stale CR
        print '<p class="advisoryBox2">Live Updates Error: Data file has not been updated for '.time_offline($lu_crfile_age) .".\n";
       $lu_error = 1;
   print "<p class=\"advisoryBox2\">Live Updates Config Error: \$lu_crfile not properly configured.\n";
   $lu_error = 1;
$lu_error and print "
We are currently experiencing technical difficulties.
Live updates will be restored as soon as possible.</p>\n";

function time_offline ($time) {
    // added by mchallis
    // takes a time diff like 6740 secs and formats to '1 hour, 52 minutes'
    $hrs  = (int) intval($time / 3600);
    $time = (int) intval($time - (3600 * $hrs));
    $mns  = (int) intval($time / 60);
    $time = (int) intval($time - (60 * $mns));
    $secs = (int) intval($time / 1);
    $string = '';
    $hrs == 1 and $string .= "$hrs hour, ";
    $hrs > 1 and $string .= "$hrs hours, ";
    $string .= sprintf("%01d minutes", $mns);
    return $string;

What Budgie said…it works beautifully with no intervention. My test site on this computer hasn’t had updated data files in a long time, and I’m used to seeing the error message there. When it appears on my web site I know there’s a problem somewhere.