Custom Forecast Message

OK, I have to be a bit more technical.
To get the data from WD to your website, one can use (in the Leuven-Template) for WD different input files for the data files.
Either Saratoga testtags.txt => testtags.php,
Leuven testtags.txt => testags.php (as used until release 2.6)
and tags.wd.txt => tagsWD.txt as used for release 2.7 , 2.8 and further.
The last possibillity is the advised and documented one. The other two are just for testing if a new release or a switch is possible.

You are using [b][/b] the Saratoga testtags.
I tried in the past to get most of the data from that file, but probably did not succedeed into getting all the data wanted.
I will look into finding the missing pieces from the Saratoga file.
And getting the winddirection move more frequently, but it is not a highest priority problem and certainly not an error.

When using the Saratoga testtags file, please switch off this page in the menu also. Those fields/values in the error messages are not there either.


If you plan to use Saratoga, simply delete the weather28/ folder.

If you plan to use Leuven, please add the tags.wd.txt => tagsWD.txt to the upload of WD.
Life for me is far easier to find errors if they are there with the most recent upload files also.
