Slight difference between WD and Web page

So my new carter lake web page has been up and running for several months now

Few minor issues that I can’t explain. For this thread I will mention

Temp on WD shows (in this screen shot) 42.2 and has been that way for several minutes (up to 10). Yet on the web page, it shows 42.3. The web page updates every
10 seconds and that appears to be working fine (i.e. I see it count up to 10 then reset to 0).


I think you’ll find it’s a math issue. WD converts the temp in Fahrenheit from the VP2 to Celcius rounded to one decimal place in clientraw.txt, the template converts it back again to F for display. Because of the rounding there is some small loss of accuracy in the resulting F value. That possible 0.1 F error is way less than the possible error due to the accuracy of the sensor itself.

Using (Temp-32)*5/9 42.2 F converts to 5.666666667 C, rounded to 5.7 C that converts back to 42.3 F

Thanks Niko

I was never good with math ):