wxsim 3in1 no graph


J have a problem how to set up wxsim 3in1. J can not do that graph apear. Now looks like this. If somebody know how to do this. Please help

Most people on this forum are not clairvoyant and you are not posting any usable information, such as

  1. the URL to your site,
  2. the URL to your script,
  3. if you installed a new version of WXSIM (it worked a short time ago according to your other posts)
  4. or installed a a new version of the the 3in1 script
  5. or changed some wret or wxsimate settings

It is the same lack of information as last time, wxsim 3in1 meteogram problem - WxSim - Weather-Watch Forum

You have to understand that it is impossible to help if the only thing you do is posting a small part of a screenshot, this time without the URL. Is it a secret website of some sort? No URL in your postings, no URL beneath your avatar on the left (= no globe to click on).

One small example why people who are willing to help you need more information:
=> it is extremely important to click on the tabs 2 and 3 with the data tables beneath the meteogram to see if the those tabs are filled with data.
If they are also empty: problem is solved as this is a known, well documented problem.

The information you need is in http://www.wxforum.net/index.php?topic=24584.0

You should check the times in your lastret.txt file and act accordingly.

wvdkuil you are right

my website http://bestpalm.pl/pogoda/wxnewpage.php
J have installed new version wxsim 3in 1 few days ago

my lastret looking good, every data is ok

lastret.txt (74 KB)

Please check the posts at the other forum, your lastret is NOT OK for that script.

10:42a P.-M.CLD            14,2   9,0  12,5  14,1  10,5   25   . . . 
11:12a P.-M.CLD            14,9   8,9  13,4  14,8  10,1   25   . . . 

The times are not at the full hour. And the script discards all data as it only uses the data at the full hour lines.

You could either set the wxsimate settings to generate at the full hour or modify the script.


Thanks a lot for help and time. J did not know that on lastret must be full hour. J try and let you know.

On my website J gave your lastret.txt file from link http://www.wxforum.net/index.php?topic=24584.0, but still that is no graph.
It must be something most complicated

Is this not the issue where you now have to wait for wxsim to do a fully auto forecast run?

I do not understand what you mean.
This is your lastret.txt: http://bestpalm.pl/pogoda/lastret.txt
The dates are NOT at the full hour so you

  • either modify wxsimate to generate at the full hour AND wait for a new upload of the lasteret.txt to check if the dates are now at the full hour
  • OR modify the script wxall.lastret.php itself to change the date / times.
$csv = preg_replace( '/\s+/', ' ', $csv ); // remove white space
$csv = preg_replace( '/\,/', '.', $csv ); // replace , with . for decimal spaces
$from = array (':12_UTC',':42_UTC'); $to = array (':00_UTC',':30_UTC'); $csv = str_replace($from,$to,$csv);
$hour3 = array('0000','0300','0600','0900','1200','1500','1800','2100');

I took your lastret.txt and run it with the adapted versions as in the wxforum discussions, it runs fine.
Weather-related scripts Version Size: 274.82 KB Updated: 27.12.2014
I have no idea which version you are running but this is the last version I know of.

And it is impossible for an outsider to look into the php files on your site, so you have to check yourself,


This problem it is not only in my website
On my friend website http://www.marcindobrowolsk.2ap.pl/wxnewpage.php
lastret.txt is on full hour but no graph http://www.marcindobrowolsk.2ap.pl/lastret.txt

That page has totally different errors

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

So the links for the javascript files are not correct there.

It is wise to test first with the stand-alone test script included in the download.
When that is working correct you can proceed with integrating in a template.



J did what you advised and my lastret.txt is now on full hour but still no graph.


Well the data is Ok now. Check / inspect the source of the page WXSIM 3in1 testpage

But there is a javascript error for this line:
var stormlimit = ;

If you check the original scripts in the download => wxall.settings.php approx. lines 65-67

// NEW!
$highwindlimit = 14;                 # At wich (average) windspeed wind-direction icon change to orange 
$stormwindlimit = 21;                # At wich (average) windspeed wind-direction icon change to red

and compare them to your current http://bestpalm.pl/pogoda/wxall.settings.php you will find the cause of the not functioning now.

I removed that line with $stormwindlimit = 21; on my testsite using your lastret.txt and the graphs AND tabs remained empty.

Maybe you copied the settings file from the old release to the new release?
It is impossible to look into a php file on a website, only you can using your FTP program.

So if you run again into more problems, PLEASE post your wxall.settings.php by making a zip or renaming them as wxall.settings.txt

Succes, Wim


thanks a lot. You are great

you were right. it was old wxall settings

Do you know how to make more days on this graph. Now J have only 3

script wxall.lastret.php approx. lines 413-414 ! check as lines are different for every version
That line contains the number of hours in tyhe graph and is set in my download version to 74 hours.


change to any value you want


BUT: in and below the graph the icons do not shrink when you increase the number of hours in the graph.
So at a certain level they will overlap, 128 is realy the maximum!.
And the lastret.txt must contain so many hours or the script will maybe fail again.


it works :D, thanks, thanks, thanks
maybe you know why on graph there is not precipitation when on tabs is raining since saturday evening

Maybe in this same forum WxSIM Display Utilities Modifications to WxSIM 3in1 Forecast Script