Advanced Graphs, Dir/Speed Plot

Hi :slight_smile:
I played with different options in WD/WDL, and when looking into the Advanced Graphs, Dir/Speed Plot, it seems to me that the graph does not show all 16 different values for the directions, from N-NNW-NW etc…
The legend has 16 values, but the graph is showing just 15 of them, missing the value for North.
In the attached picture the value for North should have been red, but it is black. The value for North is missing and is just filled up, by ticking the “close circle” option. May be it is black since the NNE-value is black.

Other have the same problem in this graph: Wind Direction / Wind Distribution - Weather Display Feature Suggestions -

try a new .zip update, ready now
should be OK



Almost there, except that now the legend shows value for North at two places, there are 17 values in the legend now. see

The first North value shows wrong color, but correct value. I am not able to delete this one or any other either.

There is not any help in the help menu… :lol:

May be it should be more correct to twist the graph for each value 12,25

ok, so adding in a 360 for N (as well as a 0 for N) was not solution
but instead solution is to move everything 12.5 o