Customemailwarning.txt and send to Twitter

Hi . its been a long time since last message:)

I need to use the customweatherwarning.txt option wich i have created under the webfiles subdirectory.
I have the twitter option , and it works great , the weather warning option also works fine , but the customweatherwarning.txt option it does not work .
Only sends the Standard warning Alert not the customweatherwarning.txt
Pd:its posible to put an extra text in the weather warninig message

I have uploaded to the new version , Main Weather Display install file v 10.37R Build 48 .
And the problem is solved , but now in twitter it appears only the Alert mesage “WEATHER WARNING 10 kts gustspeed was exceeded !” and not with the name of the Station. If You have more that one Station , its confusing , because you dont know which one its sending …

Weather Display install file v 10.37R Build 48
Windows 7
Dell inspiron

I dont think there would be many users with more than 1 station feeding to the same server
what is being sent is the subject line of the email warning
(you can set to use a custom subject, in the weather warning email setup (uses custom tags)…and so you can add the station name there)

the problem I have is that ,I have a pair of stations that sends the info to the same server via Internet , but thats ok.But If the two Station sends the info to Twitter it looks the same , Because the name of the Station does not appear , and the custom subject also does not appear into Twitter
I have to publish via Twitter with the “send via weather Warning”
The Warning it sends OK , but not the "custom subject"or the name of the Station
The “warning alerts & Email” works ok , but the Twitter program dont send the custom subject

Thas what it appears in Twitter “WEATHER WARNING 15kts low average windspeed !”
Thas what sould appear "custom Subject WEATHER WARNING 15kts low average windspeed !

Pd: sorry for my bad English

use the latest .zip update

:smiley: perfect , thanks ,It works Great.
I will put a suggestion to iclude also the direction of the wind into the warning email , wind grater than , and lower than.
Thank you very much .

I hope it’s the correct topic to ask.
Is there a way to customize the Twitter message (at least to replace the “WEATHER WARNING” to e.g. “AUTOMATIC WEATHER WARNING”)?

you can set to use custom tags for the tweet
but if you have WD set to send a weather warning to twitter then that is a different thing
and so you would need to set to use a custom warning email, in the weather warning setup (using custom tags in the file as noted there in that setup)

OK, it means I need to enable “Use a custom file (customemailwarning.txt)”, then the “Custom Subject” will be used for both, the Twitter and the email warning messages?

in theory
you could try

:smiley: I did try with the customemailwarning.txt and confirm the email is OK. The “Custom subject” is not taken into account (tried with a test email only). I can’t try the Twitter warning (it only sends an “Example twitter data”). I’ll wait for the weather to get rough :wink:

A follow-up: I got the warning email with custom subject and custom text content. The Twit only contained the custom subject with no other text

I will have to check my code, I might have had it that way due to the original twitter character limitations

No problem and no rush, I like the default message (not the custom one) but would just prefer to modify the “WEATHER WARNING” to something else.

try a new .zip update of WD