Wind Direction Question

First of all, Thank You Mark for the great work on this.

My question is probably a simple one. I’ve seen others who have just a simple wind rose
without the average direction. How do I change that gauge or which one am I looking for in place of what i’ve got?

Tony :slight_smile:

Tony, do you have a link to a site with an example of what you want?

On your demo site Mark, the 1st gauge is just a regular compass for wind direction.
I think that’s what I should have said instead of wind rose. Sorry.

Ah, right, the compass gauge. In order to use that you will have to use the ‘full’ SteelSeries library (I provide a cut down version with the gauges) and the code will have to be amended as that gauge will not take as many options/parameters as the wind direction gauge. Some people have done this, maybe one of them can chip in, I’m afraid I realy don’t have the time at the moment to sort it all out myself. :frowning:

Not a problem. Thank you!!