just upgraded 3in1 but have problems.


I have no graphs displaying in 3in1 after upgrade, I have tried some of the suggestions but does it not work, maybe some could have a look and spot the problem. http://www.mangawhaiweather.co.nz/wxsim.php

Many thanks :slight_smile:

I don’t find sivu2.php in your root directory. I think getting that script to work should be your top priority. Once you’ve done so, your page will display properly again. I suspect it’s a configuration issue, but I’m speculating.

Hi Jerry,

I have sivu2.php working not sure if it is correct though.


I see that ‘sivu2.php’ is working! Good. Your local forecast is also working, so you’ve got it sorted. Great!

Good work.

Jerry the top forecast icons differs from the forecast icons above the graph.


I see some discrepancies in the icons, but I don’t think 3in1 can nail it down for a day or a night several days in the future because there may be changing conditions over those time periods. I’m not sure where the partly cloudy icon for Saturday comes from, although ‘mostly cloudy’ is your AM forecast that day. Overall your icons look fairly reasonable to me. I look most carefully at the 48 hour forecast and it seems to be excellent here. My top icons and overview icons are in agreement, as are yours.

Thanks Jerry

Where do I change in 3in1 so the top icons do not display?