Mouseover popup


Firstly, I would like to thank all members in this forum. I could solve many small problems and issues by reading this board.

However, I have still one problem: I have no mouseover popup in the tables as you can on my website.

Thanks for your help.

EDIT: url updated

no one has an idea to solve this? :?

Works for me!

I’m very sorry but it works randomly. It’s always ok for the chart, working fine sometimes for the forecats at the top but never in the tables (overview, by 3 hours or detailled).
I’ve check and recheck my files without success. I try different browser but it’s the same problem (IE8, FF or Chome)
Would it be a problem with the file generated by WXSIM (latest, lastret)?
Thx in advance for your help.


In your plaintext-parser-lang-XX.txt you must change “Aujourd’hui” by “Aujourd'hui” the script doesnt like you must write “'”

Florent85, thx for your help but it doesn’t solve the problem.

I’m searching… :frowning: