Function of correlation between Airport and real position

Hi there !
Is there a correlation between distance/altitude for an airport and distance/altitude from a point anywhere ?
Like wind and pressure difference ?

Pressure can be done using approximations of pressure lapse by altitude or there are equations to calculate it more accurately if you want it. However, the further you are from the airport the less accurate they will be.

I haven’t a clue how you’d calculate local wind conditions based on airport conditions. Wind speed and direction will probably vary significantly by airport and location because of local geography.

Thank you, i’m just from 4km for the airport so it’s enough accuracy for me, maybe equations for pressure can be usefull, yes.
my idea are for windspeed and gustspeed, wich seems to much (as you say, it’s due to local geographie…)

You can see pressure equations here Atmospheric pressure - Wikipedia

Wind/gust will vary significantly by geography and wind direction so I think all you can do is make your own model.