Steelseries Gauges for WD


I found that it was the “downloading” message that interrupted the longer forecasts. At about line 985 I made the following changes and it works better for me. The second change was because I found it disconcerting that each countdown would begin with 10 regardless of what was set in the config.

        getRealtime = function () {
//            setStatus(strings.StatusMsg);         // removed so "downloading" doesn't interfere with long scrolling forecasts
//            _count = 11; // 10 seconds timeout     
            _count = config.counter + 1;            // changed so that new countdowns start at the proper number rather than always 10
            $.ajax({url: config.realTimeURL,
                    dataType: 'text',
                    cache: false,
                    success: checkRtResp,
                    error: checkRtError,
                    timeout: 10000

  • Jim


I think you have misunderstood why the counter goes to 10, then jumps to your configured timeout.

When the script kicks off an Ajax download it sets a 10 second timeout for the download to complete, after that it retries. So if the web server was unresponsive for some reason, and you had a 30 second refresh, you would see…

- 2 secs
- 1 secs
“Downloading…” - 10 secs
“Downloading…” - 9 secs

“Downloading…” - 1 secs
“Download failed, retrying…” - 10 secs
{download works}
- 30 secs
- 29 secs
… etc

When things are working well the sequence would be…
- 2 secs
- 1 secs
“Downloading…” - 10 secs
{download works}
- 30 secs
- 29 secs
… etc

What happens sometimes is the server response is so fast that the “Downloading…” - 10 secs only flashes up very briefly.

Thanks Mark, I see I was way out in left field on that one, I’ll change it back. I just thought it a little strange that the 10 would always flash up there but now understand why.

  • Jim

Was about to ask the same question about the ‘flashing 10’. Thanks, Mark, for the very descriptive answer.

:oops: dumb question how do I get the gauges to work??

OK so after all of that, I again ask how to increase the amount of time (and what file needs updated) so the Forecast scrolls longer before it resets and restarts.

It gets as long as the time you specify for the data refresh. So if you set the refresh time to 20 seconds, it gets 20 seconds to scroll before fresh data is down loaded.

Wow, that web server is a bit on the slow side!?

But the problem is teh script cannot find your customclientraw.txt file
You have configured the script to look for…

but your file seems to be here…

thanks I did finally figure that out and have it working!! the server runs here at home and at the moment I have 2 running so it is slowing things a bit…that will change Friday when I move one out to a remote location!

I did notice the ticker tape forecast is not moving on this site??? #-o

It only scrolls if the text is wider than the display area (by default :wink:)


Excellent component for a weather page and do the installation without any problems and is operating. I have only one question:

In the scroll bar where information should appear forecast, more text appears not downloading … when does the cooling.

This is fine? or should appear more detail?


If I understand your question correctly, and you are not seeing the full forecast, see Reply #501 above.


Today’s Gauges stopped working, when entering the page the scroll shows Downloading … and the timer is at 60 without advancing without charge the information.

Link :

File is create and uoload from my WD Station fine…

But not working.

I am seeing a 404 not found error on your weatherstyle.css file which according to the URL used should be in the gauges directory. Make sure this is there in the correct place and see what happens.


Severino, your customclientraw.txt file is not being processed by WD, it still contains all the tags rather than the data.

Thank’s Stuart,

Thank’s Mark : I will copy back the file in the WD, yesterday I was doing some changes to the website with Saratoga Template, and may have some local change in WD

OK update and fix custom customclientrawlocal in WD (PC), and change error : HTTP Request Failed 404 in the scroll Bar. File customclientraw.txt is update good, and script included on config directory path for file.

Your customclientraw.txt file exists in your root directory and not your gauges directory, you either need to correct where it is uploaded to or change the settings so the Gauges can find it.


Thanks, it was my mistake to delete some files that I thought were redundant. I made a new installation and adjustment cartepa all parameters again. Now is working again.

The forecast for the WD scroll works with some special file?

Thanks again to all …