Steelseries Gauges for WD


New one for you!! Brian is working very hard to improve the Mac version of WD. I use a Mac and currently use Virtual Box to run windows on my machine. Anyway very recently Brian assisted me with getting the mac version running very well. If I run it however it breaks my main page because something with the ccr is getting messed up. Here is what it produces…

{"date":"11:43 PM","dateFormat":"m/d/y%","temp":"35.6","tempTL":"35.6","tempTH":"36.3","intemp":"70.","dew":"19.","dewpointTL":"18.1","dewpointTH":"21.4","apptemp":"30.4","apptempTL":"28.8","apptempTH":"33.8","wchill":"33.0","wchillTL":"30.1","heatindex":"35.6","heatindexTH":"36.3","humidex":"29.2","wlatest":"7.0","wspeed":"3.3","wgust":"12.0","wgustTM":"12.0","bearing":"297","avgbearing":"274","press":"29.677","pressTL":"29.642","pressTH":"29.677","pressL":"29.642","pressH":"29.677","rfall":"0.00","rrate":"0.00","rrateTM":"0.000","hum":"51","humTL":"48","humTH":"55","inhum":"28","SensorContactLost":"0","forecast":"","tempunit":"F","windunit":"mph","pressunit":"inHg","rainunit":"in","temptrend":"-0.6","TtempTL":"11:39 PM","TtempTH":"10:03 PM","TdewpointTL":"9:53 PM","TdewpointTH":"11:24 PM","TapptempTL":"10:04 PM","TapptempTH":"10:45 PM","TwchillTL":"10:03 PM","TheatindexTH":"10:03 PM","TrrateTM":"","ThourlyrainTH":"%maxhourrnt%","LastRainTipISO":"----","hourlyrainTH":"%maxhourrn%","ThumTL":"9:53 PM","ThumTH":"11:24 PM","TpressTL":"9:53 PM","TpressTH":"11:42 PM","presstrend":"Rising","presstrendval":"+0.081 ","Tbeaufort":"%bftmaxgustlast24hrnum%","TwgustTM":"11:40 PM","windTM":"12.0","bearingTM":"WSW","timeUTC":"2012,03,05,04,43,36","BearingRangeFrom10":"%mindir10minute%","BearingRangeTo10":"%maxdir10minute%","UV":"0.0","SolarRad":"0","CurrentSolarMax":" 0","SolarTM":"0","version":"10.37L","build":"97","ver":"6"}

So I see the date formate problem again which I’m sure Brian can fix. Also the time of last rain leaves a blank spot. Can you see any way to quick fix this?



What do i need to fix re which custom tag re mav version?

The %datefmt% and %dateoflastrainalways%%timeoflastrainalways% and I’m not sure yet but possibly the forecast tag.


From that ccr, the following tags either do not work, or look a little ‘odd’ (missing decimal)

"dateFormat":"m/d/y%",          // %datefmt%
"intemp":"70.",                 //%indoortemp%
"dew":"19.",                    // %dew%
"forecast":"",                  // %dailywarning/forecast%
"TrrateTM":"",                  // %maxrainratetime%
"LastRainTipISO":"----",        // %dateoflastrainalways%%timeoflastrainalways%


Does anybody know if there is another option for configuring? This link appears to be broken.

Thanks Andy


See here:


Thanks Tony

I just finished playing around with the look of my gauges and settled on a GLOSSY_METAL frame, a TURNED background, a BLACK TYPE11 pointer with a STANDARD lcd color that I think fit in with my gray and black theme a little better than the standard ones: It’s a matter of taste after all, so if I can’t please everybody, I should at least be able to please myself. YMMV.

But what happened to this page:

I found it much more helpful than the “demoRadial.html” page for playing with different settings;
there were more settings that could be adjusted.


Hi Keith, I took that page down because it was a bit broken and it was running on my laptop over my ADSL link. I’ll see if I can resurrect it and put it on my hosted web site…

Thanks, Mark. :smiley:

I’ve been advised by the originator of this thread that he doesn’t want it to be moved from this forum. Sorry if it’s not with the other SteelSeries posts.

That seems rather counter intuitive…

I can’t please all of the people all of the time. If ALL the people involved in SteelSeries Gauges for WD can agree where stuff should go I can put it there. That agreement doesn’t exist at this time.

Quite…shouldn’t all subsequent posters be directed to the new Graphics Child Board? The announcement you had up served that function perfectly.

Somehow the 74 pages of posts has shrunk to 25, which is good, but still unwieldy.

Edit: It’s my memory that’ shrunk while wrestling with wxsim3in1! That’s the long thread…sorry.

Saratoga Templates question!

Can someone help me please with setting up the gauges on a page similar like this one, I can’t figure out how to do that.
I have the saratoga templates running but don’t know how to get the gauges on a page.


Wow, those gauges look cooler and more elaborate than ones offered by WD Live. I may want to add a page like it, too.

Latest version with another gauge added at, Bunty. Mark did a great job with the scripts.

Here is where all of the SteelSeries Gauge action is, Bunty:

Able to get the Gauges working and the graphs on hovering…How do I change the default colors for the graphs? and give them a raised appearance in jgraphs? is that in the config .txt file?. Brain going soft looking at this stuff…

