Steelseries Gauges for WD

I have just posted version 1.6.0 on the announcements thread. This now includes a Solar gauge and a pre-canned CCR file that may only need 1 or 2 fields customising (if any) - see the readme.txt

There are a large number of changes to make the scripts more WD friendly, please take the time to read the readme.txt file.

I have worked with Jack on this, so thanks to him, and you know who to go to for support! :-"

Enjoy, I hope I haven’t introduced too many bugs!


Whilst creating this release I noticed a couple of oddities about WD tag handling:

  • The %datefmt% tag after processing leaves a trailing % character eg ‘m/d/y%’
  • The %dailywarning/forecast% tag when processed has a at the beginning of the string.

I have worked around these issues in the script but they perhaps need looking at - I’m not a WD user so I leave this to others.