Steelseries Gauges for WD


Hi. Since the iPhone4s has come out, iPhone and Android sales have been pretty close, with Android taking the lead during the middle of the 2011. In the last few months of 2011, Android sales have dropped while iPhone 4S sales have risen as a percent of total sales: . That said, what is more important to weather website owners (IMO) is the web traffic, especially tablet traffic: .

Another factor to consider is that Apple will be rolling out the iPad 3 and iPhone 5 in roughly March and mid year, respectively. That will bring in another influx of new users and more browsing by current users.

But it’s not important which platform we use personally. I like my iPhone (and iPad); it’s WAY better than my Win Mobile 5/6 (which was junk). You and several of my friends like Androids. No worries. They are all good devices.

The key is choice. I don’t want to be forced to choose my mobile devices based on what websites they can use. IMO, our websites should be fully available on ANY platform. Until now, the tablet which accounts for almost 55% of web traffic (iPad) could not see realtime weather. These SteelSeries Gauges and their offspring should change that. I want my website to be one of the first.

