web cam stoped . need help please .

I would try the address to the URL you circled on the 2nd post. Put that whole address in the WD setup page along with your username and password and see if WD can connect.

i tried that . No luck . Also checked and un checked the box for ip camera .
Still shows error

Have you been clicking on “Start Preview” when you’ve changed the IP address?

Yea i have . That’s where I get error ; failed to start preview . bottom left side box

maybe try not having the

Ok . tried that too . Still show Failer to start preview .
I also checked and un checked th ip box on top

Can you see an image from the webcam when you use the software that cam with the webcam?

Try to copy and paste the i.p. address in your browser, see if you can access the camera through your browser.
I have a similar setup as you, with my webcam, but, there are a few more parm’s needed to access it.

In your screen grab the URL is not correct. The URL shown in the earlier post was

Try that and let us know what happens…

Yea , there is a picture in my web cam address. Is this what you was asking ?
I even put the address showen here in the web capture program . its not getting it .

Let me ask this . Could my web cam from Panasonic be stopping it ?

Which Panasonic webcam, I though you were trying to get your Panasonic BL-C140 working?
Do you have a second Panasonic webcam connected as well?

he might be refering to the software that came with the station?

On the last screen shot showing the image, if you right click on the image does it give you any options? If you can find a link direct to the image that may work for your WD setup…


Can you view the html of that page? See if there is a link in the html to the image being shown…

no change . Shows error failed to start

the thread title suggests you had this working at one stage?

hello rick/info…

think you need this…



i.e change the camera.address
to the needed IP address

thats the sort of URL that looks more like it will work, ta Chris

use this rick and see if it works for you;;;

there we go . Thank you
Where did you get that address at ?
I tried everything
again thank you Chris