Why do i have these validation errors?

When i check my websites index-page it gives 45 errors or so in the XHTML-validation page. Can someone help me please with this because it is not a nice view!!

This is the faulty page:http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.akker.be%2Fcar%2Findex.php&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=1&user-agent=W3C_Validator%2F1.2

Any help is most welcome, is there something like a spell-checker that corrects such things without messing up the rest of my site? Because i have tried several times to correct this but then my sites gives all these weird faults…
Thanks in advance,


It tells you what’s wrong in most cases.
The first one requires and alternative name added to the line to describe the image (alt=“”)
The second one is a positional error. You have use “absmiddle” for the alignment but you can’t use this with XHTML 1.0 Traditional, you can only use “top”, “middle”, “bottom”, “left”, “right”. So you need to change “absmiddle” to “middle”.
And so they go on - a missing closing tag “>” etc. They are mostly just minor corrections on that page.

On thing to remember; if you are using the PHP template then the error could be one of the lined files “top.php”, “header.php”, “footer.php” and any other page or script you have used on that page. So you may need to check these files for the error. :wink:

Thanks for the reply!

So this would already get rid of the bulk of the errors? I will try and let you know if it works…


I’ve found when there are validation errors I attack them one at a time starting with the first error. Fix that error then re-validate. You will find that errors lower in the page can be caused by errors at the beginning of the list. So fix one, re-validate, fix the next top error, and so on until the page validates.