VP console with real time update

Took Lars & Bertil’s script and moddificated it a little bit :lol:

Result as attached image,

  • digital numbers/text
  • moving wind direction & barotrend needle
  • changing icon from 10 avaliable
  • 24h graphs, changeble from the black buttons
  • Monthly and yearly rain and rainrate changeble from RAINyr-button
  • W3-validate, also marquee even if itself don’t validate

Note, it use same limits for barotrend-needle what Davis use (Daivis use 3hr but i converted it to 1 hr) and it different from what Ken’s template ue.

Its heavily use jQuery as base, the graph is Flot, needle is pure javascript and AJAX is jQuery-version of it, because i like jQuery’s AJAX-system, its clear and easy to manage.

I have NOT tested it on the template so i should need someone to test it for possible (surely) issues. :wink:

Demo: Weatherstation Salo, Pertteli

Download: http://www.nordicweather.net/downloads/?6

2 paths in vp_console2.php
2 paths in jquery/jquery.console.js

Enjoy! :smiley:
