e-rice.net site/server listing

Added :smiley:

Looks like erice is having multiple server issues this morning.

Can’t get to their forum or web site either.

wow… never tried those… I hope its nothing to serious.

Really? I don’t see much as being down, and e-rice.net is up too.

Yes, they’re back up now, down for just a little over a half hour.

Mine is still down… but it does look like some are coming back

looksa like basil and mint are still down.

Looks like FTP is still a problem.

Looks like all OK now.

You can add mine also Mint www.victoriatxweather.com

Thanks, looks good, added :slight_smile:

Hi niko,

I am listed on Thyme

Added, thanks!

My site, www.wrightwoodweather.com, is on mint.

Added, thanks!

Hi Niko!
You can add me to Basil


You can www.BarrowCountyWeather.com to the Basil list.



Thank you both!

Interesting page design you have there BarrowCountyWeather.

Is it is Niko. Looks like Curly’s homepage. :wink:


Good catch there Chuck :smiley: