e-rice.net site/server listing

nice web site there delgary :smiley:

Yes you are right
Can you add me to the list

All above sites added. Thanks folks :smiley:

You can add me Thyme http://southwestweather.com


Thyme to add my site:


Mint: http://www.ardmoreweatherlive.com/
Thanks, Doug

All done, thanks for the updates :slight_smile:

mint here: www.jolietwx.com

Added :smiley:

Looks like erice is having multiple server issues this morning.

Can’t get to their forum or web site either.

wow… never tried those… I hope its nothing to serious.

Really? I don’t see much as being down, and e-rice.net is up too.

Yes, they’re back up now, down for just a little over a half hour.

Mine is still down… but it does look like some are coming back

looksa like basil and mint are still down.

Looks like FTP is still a problem.

Looks like all OK now.

You can add mine also Mint www.victoriatxweather.com

Thanks, looks good, added :slight_smile:

Hi niko,

I am listed on Thyme