StartWatch under Windows 7 32 Bit

StartWatch doesn’t store anything in the registry. It just uses files. The files are located in the user’s area of the disk, so there shouldn’t be a need to run as administrator, and it is probably better if you don’t. StartWatch looks for registration info in a file called “registration.txt”. First it looks in the folder where StartWatch is installed. If it doesn’t find one there, it looks in the user’s application data area of the disk. The surest way to do the registration is to take the registration.txt file that I include in the email I send out with your registration info, and drop that file into the folder where you installed StartWatch. If you enter the registration info by typing it in while running StartWatch, then the registration info is written the user’s application data area, and so is only available to that user’s account.

The location of the user’s data is:

You have to enable the viewing of hidden files and folders in file explorer, because AppData is a hidden folder.

I just did a test on Windows 7, and settings stayed set from one run to another, and I entered registration info, closed StartWatch, and then reopened it, and the registration was still enabled as it should be.

So I’m not sure what is going wrong on your system. It almost sounds like an odd file/folder permissions problem that is preventing StartWatch from writing to its files. Since the files it writes to are in the user’s folders, the user (and StartWatch) should have full permissions to create and write to files there.
