Fairbanks, Alaska Weather

http://wulik.com/ and http://wulik.com/weatherstation.htm

I know it’s simple but I like readability.

Comments and suggestions highly welcome!

Very nice! And wow, it’s winter time up there! 8)

Thanks! The forecast is for -15 to -30F Sunday night. Typical winter here.

Very interesting, niko. No one else reports this when they view my web page. I don’t see it when I view my web page from other computers.

HOWEVER, This definitely shows up in my web page code, as viewed directly on my web host server.

I’m curious how this code got in there.

I very much appreciate you telling me about it! :oops:

If you open the page and do a view source, don’t you see that code at the bottom of the page?

Seems to be gone now, but it was there before. Very strange :scratch:


…and I removed it a minute ago.

Phew! I was starting to think I was losing it :smiley:

I can’t figure out how this script got in my web code.

But, I VERY MUCH appreciate you telling me about it, Niko!

Pretty scary, there are some very naughty people out there :frowning:

I could see it too after Niko mentioned it.