GFS-maps & meteograms

Hi EmsniWx,
finally i’ve made workable :smiley: :smiley:
Only one problem.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

function setmap(args)
'set mproj nps'
'set mpvals 15 52 54 71'
'set lon -60 80'
'set lat 10 80'
'set mpdset hires'

Is it possible to zoom map near my country (Italy)?

Edit: I’ve tried to load .bat file but i’ve this error:
Any idea?


Alessandro (37.7 KB)

Glad you got it sorted. :slight_smile:

Do you happen to have a linky with info on the WRF stuff?


Edit: I had to remove the :9090 part in My script for it to work.


you need to run the bat file at times 6,12,18,02 CET, otherwise you get that error msg, because it is trying to do the new forecast, but the data file is not ready on the server.

I will try to workout the Italy rgion for you…


Many thanks Emnsi!
What about zoom?

I’ve noticed that on script there aren’t 500hpa/850hpa temperature and 700hpa vertikalbew.
Is there anyone has these “functions”?


Hi guys,
any help about my last questions?
I’ve this error on temperature 850hpa:

Thanks in advance,


Hi I have noticed that since 12z 27/May that the noaa server has been having issues and as a result opengrads scripts are not updating.

1: if for example you look at it may display the correct data, though if you refresh browser it will result in:

Error {
    code = 0;
    message = "extraction failed; not enough lat data in /tomcat_cache/gds/grads/dods/gfs_0p25/gfs20180528/";

Then do the same again again : may result in:

Error {
    code = 0;
    message = "/gfs_0p25/gfs20180528/gfs_0p25_18z is not an available dataset";

I assume when opengrads script hit these issues they crash.

I also wonder if this impact any of the WxSim data imports. prior to Chris/Sam’s process’s

I see that other sites not just mine are showing old maps : and as a couple of examples.

Any one know anything about this ?

Kind regards,

So, after all the pain in getting these scripts working, I noticed last week that it all stopped and my images are now out of date.

A quick look at the Nomads site appears to say that they moved to a secure server so it


if you are using OpenGrADS under WIN, you have to wait for the new version, which supports ssl (https) communication.

They are working on it.


Ah! I am using windoze. Thank you. How annoying, I wonder how long it will take?

I tried grabbing the files with wget so I could process them locally without having to use https in OpenGrads but that also failed. I wonder if I

The new OpenGrADS is out:


Hi Marian,
Long Speak no Time.
Would I be Correct/Wrong in assuming that the new version of OpenGrads would require Minor/Major changes to our existing .gs scripts.
Kind Regards,
Hope you are well, Tony

Thnx. I saw this yesterday but am having problems updating GrADS.

Both the .gz and the Windows Superpack are missing the grads.exe executable.

Obviously it

I downloaded the new Superpack this morning and installed it. My modified version of works but the background and legend colours are not right yet. I will have a further play today.


Hi Chris,

Did you install over existing install? I definitely have no exes in my install?

Regards, Simon

I simply saved my scripts (and cbarm - in OpenGrADS/Contents/Resources), uninstalled OpenGrADS and then downloaded the superpack from Sourceforge using the link from Marian. I then reinstalled the missing files and all seemed to work.

I do have issues - the legends are all in white as opposed the original black. I will edit my script to correct them, but I suspect that there must me a simpler solution.


Hi I did same as Chris with same result.
So did a fix (possibly not correct) but it worked for me.

In the " while ( i<maps ) " section prior to " ‘set gxout shaded’ " I added " ‘set display color white’ " as per image below, will not attach my scripts as they are modified for Aus.

Kind regards,

Many thanks. ‘set display color white’ was the fix I was looking for.


Finally got the images produced and correctly coloured thanks to the white background tip posted here.

Does anybody have a script for aninatingvthem which they could share? Mine has ceased to work and I can

Hi Simon,

looks like you have " while ( $map <= 64) " set to 64 and you only have 57 "

  • |
  • "
    I found 61 "
  • |
  • " and " while ( $map <= 61) " seems to work, though you may need to adjust some table sizes etc.
    Or maybe even in addition, change :
    From :
    #nav li { float: left; margin: 2px; list-style: none }”
    #nav li { float: left; margin: 1.5px; list-style: none }”


    Thanks Tony. It seems to be working now …