Unable to post downloaded weather warnings

WD has sucessfully FTPed from NOAA forcast statements and weather warnings. In fact, WD will post these files on the web pages it generates. However, I have not been able to sucessfully get WD to post these files on my customized web page. I have been using the following custom tag:

“%metar/report=%mnz060.txt” (without the quotes)

I have tried the file name in both upper and lower case, with and without the file extension. Any ideas? Could it have anything to do with where the file stored?

The file “mnz060” is currently being updated and stored at wdisplay/

I HAVE been able to get the METARS to post sucessfully. (file name: KFCM.MET)


try checking that you have the metar and ftp downloads directoies both set the same…
and let me know

That fixed it. I had the METAR download set to the METAR folder and the DOWNLOADS set to the DOWNLOAD FOLDER. :o

Once they are both set to the same folder WD posted all the files.

Thanks Brian!