NWS Public Alert Messenger PHP Script

What host is causing all this trouble? is it windows or Linux?

First, just try this code in the settings section of the script after the $email_address_sent_from:

ini_set('sendmail_from', $email_address_sent_from); // needed for some windows servers

if that did not work, try adding this:

// OPTIONAL: You can change the default SMTP settings below...
// NOTE most servers do not need these settings changed!!!
$ctf_ini_set       = "yes";        // "yes" to enable this feature (ONLY if needed)
$ctf_smtp          = "localhost"; // sometimes mail.yourdomain.com Confirm with your host
$ctf_smtp_port     = "25";        // Confirm with your host
$ctf_smtp_username = "you";       // your mail username. If you do not know, ask your host
$ctf_smtp_password = "123456";    // your mail password. If you do not know, ask your host
$ctf_sendmail_from = "[email protected]";   // Your email
$ctf_sendmail_path = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i"; // If different, ask host

if(strtolower($ctf_ini_set) == "yes") {
       ini_set("SMTP", $ctf_smtp);
       ini_set("smtp_port", $ctf_smtp_port);
       ini_set("smtp_password", $ctf_smtp_password);
       ini_set("smtp_username", $ctf_smtp_username);
       ini_set("sendmail_from", $ctf_sendmail_from);
       ini_set("sendmail_path", $ctf_sendmail_path);

let me know if it worked.