New Graphing?

Since so many are talking about the new graphing in WD (I know I am a little late, but us Linux losers are always behind the times :wink:), and this is a WD forum, so maybe I should do one WD related post a month :wink:

I just used it today(last win version I used was like 10.05 :backinmyday: ), and I really like it. The choice in time intervals, the ability to to change range, etc… I really like and I didn’t notice any big problems. :cheers:

So what is everyone else think???

Buford, the happy camper, Picklefeather

I’m not overwhelmed by the aesthetics (there goes my support from Brian :frowning: ) but I think the improved functionality is well worth the transition. I’ll be upgrading my second station at the weekend.

I was a little frustrated and shaky on it at first, but things got ironed out and I definitely consider it a major improvement.
