CWOP/APRSWXNET email notification if packet not received


Sorry if this has been answered somewhere else, but, I’m new to this and want to make sure my data is reliable and accurate.

Is there a way I can be notified by email if CWOP/APRSWXNET does NOT receive a weather data packet from me on a certain schedule? For example, when data is more than 30 minutes old, this message Warning: No data received for more than 30 minutes. shows at the top of this page:

It would be great if the code/page/server which makes that red message can send the station in question an email, as monitoring the sending of the packets is not always possible.

I have a loud ring associated with my email that would instantly alert me that something is wrong with my data transfer.

Any help here would be appreciated!


Jim Donovan

I don’t think that’s something that we can do from this forum or through WD.
You may be best emailing someone at CWOP and asking, I know that you can setup a data quality email notification, but I don’t know about a data reception email service. :wink: