Alternate dashboard help

Can someone show me which code to edit to remove or comment out which I have highlighted in the attached gifs.

Many thanks

Set this line to false to get rid of the NWS records.

$useWU = true; // set to false if you do not want to use “new record High/low” image

To removed the storm rain find and delete the following.

                <td class="data1" nowrap="nowrap">Storm Rain: </td>
                <td style="text-align: right;" class="data1">
                  <?php echo strip_units($vpstormrain).$uomRain; ?>

The fire risk looks like you don’t have the images or you have the directory set wrong.


For the sup things just delete the lines you don’t want.

1 Rain season: Jan 1st to Dec 31st.   
2 Snow season July 1st to June 30th.   
3 Snow manually measured

          <sup>4</sup> Estimated amount of water needed to replace the water used by plants and evaporation from the past week.

         (Negative numbers mean amount of water needed, positive numbers mean excess water is present.) 

For the forecast set this to false.

$useEXTf = true; // Set to false to not display the extra forecast days

Thanks for the help Chuck :slight_smile:

No problem Tony. Glad I could help you out.



  1. Would someone kindly show me how I can move the current conditions icon up the page

  2. I have replaced Storm rain with Last tip time, I have added the tag to testtags but not sure what else i need to change in dashboard to get Last tip time to show.


Could post the portion of the script for your first tip.

For the Icon you can make it bigger by changing the following numbers in you ajaxWDwx.js script:

function ajax_wxIconJPG ( iconWD ) { // perform a lookup and return the graphic for the condition icon (using NWS icons) $iconList = new Array( "skc.jpg", // 0 imagesunny.visible "nskc.jpg", // 1 imageclearnight.visible "bkn.jpg", // 2 imagecloudy.visible "sct.jpg", // 3 imagecloudy2.visible "nbkn.jpg", // 4 imagecloudynight.visible "sct.jpg", // 5 imagedry.visible "fg.jpg", // 6 imagefog.visible "hazy.jpg", // 7 imagehaze.visible "ra.jpg", // 8 imageheavyrain.visible "few.jpg", // 9 imagemainlyfine.visible "mist.jpg", // 10 imagemist.visible "nfg.jpg", // 11 imagenightfog.visible "nra.jpg", // 12 imagenightheavyrain.visible "novc.jpg", // 13 imagenightovercast.visible "nra.jpg", // 14 imagenightrain.visible "nshra.jpg", // 15 imagenightshowers.visible "nsn.jpg", // 16 imagenightsnow.visible "ntsra.jpg", // 17 imagenightthunder.visible "ovc.jpg", // 18 imageovercast.visible "bkn.jpg", // 19 imagepartlycloudy.visible "ra.jpg", // 20 imagerain.visible "ra.jpg", // 21 imagerain2.visible "shra.jpg", // 22 imageshowers2.visible "ip.jpg", // 23 imagesleet.visible "ip.jpg", // 24 imagesleetshowers.visible "sn.jpg", // 25 imagesnow.visible "sn.jpg", // 26 imagesnowmelt.visible "sn.jpg", // 27 imagesnowshowers2.visible "skc.jpg", // 28 imagesunny.visible "scttsra.jpg", // 29 imagethundershowers.visible "hi_tsra.jpg", // 30 imagethundershowers2.visible "tsra.jpg", // 31 imagethunderstorms.visible "nsvrtsra.jpg", // 32 imagetornado.visible "wind.jpg", // 33 imagewindy.visible "ra1.jpg", // 34 stopped rainning "windyrain.jpg" // 35 windy/rain (new with V2.11) );

if (iconWD >= 0 && iconWD <= 35) {
return (“<img src="” + imagedir + “/” + $iconList[iconWD] + “" " +
“[b]width="112" height="108[/b]” alt="Current condition icon" />” );
} else {
return ‘’;




Here is the script

          <td class="data1" nowrap="nowrap">'' time: </td>
            <td style="text-align: right;" class="data1">
              <?php echo strip_units($timeoflastrain).$uomRain; ?>

I do not want to make the icon bigger but move it up the page



Not sure about the space of the current condition icon.

Here is what I have for the tag you have time of last rain. Make sure you have them correct. I am using build 27.

$timeoflastrain = “%timeoflastrain%”; // Time that the last rain tip was recorded.
$dateoflastrain = “%dateoflastrain%”; // Date that the last rain tip was recorded (not retrospective)

$timeoflastrain = " 04:51"; // Time that the last rain tip was recorded.
$dateoflastrain = “4/30/2009”; // Date that the last rain tip was recorded (not retrospective)


The space at the top is for the new high/low record image. If you don’t want that, turn that function off first. If you still want it higher, change the formatting for the column from center to top format.


I have the tag correct but on the dashboard it shows -mm :?

Try it this way and see what happens. You don;t need this .$uomRain, it is for mm or in. which you don’t need the tag only shows time.

<?php echo $timeoflastrain; ?>


Edit: Your testtags.php shows – $timeoflastrain = “-”; // Time of last tip for bucket
So WD is not parsing it correctly.

Chuck I have removed $uomRain as you suggested and that’s removed mm :slight_smile:

Here is my tag for last tip what do I need to edit?
$timeoflastrain = “%timeoflastrain%”; // Time of last tip for bucket

Just pulled this from your testtags.php.

$timeoflastrain = " 6:55 AM"; // Time of last tip for bucket

I see that the 6 is the only thing showing up. Did you try this for the tag

<?php echo $timeoflastrain; ?>

It is acting like you have it this way. I could be wrong.

<?php echo strip_units($timeoflastrain); ?>


Chuck you got it :smiley: It’s working exactly how I want it now.

Thanks again m8

Scott is this where I need to edit the script to get the conditions icon higher up the page?

              <td align="center" colspan="2" class="data1" style="text-align: center;border: none">
		  <span class="ajax" id="ajaxcurrentcond">
		  <?php echo $current_summary; ?> </span>


The new high/low image is turned off.

Tony I think I found where you need to get rid of that space. Find what I highlighted in bold red and change that value from middle to top and that should work. I just tried it in Dreamweaver and the the icon went to the top.

Summary / Temperature Wind Rain/Melted Snow Outlook <[color=red][b]td valign="top"[/b][/color] rowspan="7">
<img src="<?php echo $imagesDir . newIcon($iconnumber) ?>"


Edit: I just did it on my homepage and it worked. If you want to take a look.

Yes that’s got it :slight_smile: How would I move everything from under the current conditions text a few spaces down Chuck?

Find the following lines and see the 3
. Try that it worked on my page.

<?php echo $current_summary; ?> [color=red][b]



Yes that’s great Chuck, thanks for the help again :wink:

Do you use Dreamweaver to edit your PHP?


Yes I use Dreamweaver to edit all my pages.
