wunderground problems

Is wunderground having problems today? My rapid fire is constantly timing out even after a couple of re-starts of the computer and WD:

Wunderground real time error 10060: [10060] Connection timed out 11:01:53 AM 3/28/2009
Wunderground real time error 10060: [10060] Connection timed out 11:02:23 AM 3/28/2009
Wunderground real time error 10060: [10060] Connection timed out 11:02:52 AM 3/28/2009
Wunderground real time error 10060: [10060] Connection timed out 11:03:27 AM 3/28/2009

That and my data no longer shows up under the All Weather Stations or PWS sections.

It’s been a bit erratic for me.

Ok, even navigating their site takes forever or times outs. Thought it was just me.

Curious, but Nordic network’s cron stopped last night at 01 CET too without any reasons…Wx-networks bad day today maybe? 8O


Mine is updating again, but I was having similar issues this morning. It’s not a WD issue as the log file for CWOP shows the data being sent successfully.

Could be a problem in Dakota #-o

I’ve had that problem and it could be with Weather Underground… try setting your update time a little off than what you have and see if it helps.


having similiar problems here too on Est Coast USA.

acessing the wunderground site is really slow and also my wu-history page take awhile to load. I also noticed my northeast animated radar image on my homepage, from wundergound, a little slow.

Eventually things load, but have been slow all morning.

The problem must be with weather underground site/server’s itself and nothing to do with any of our own setting’s or set up.

I would just leave things as is, and eventually weather underground will straighten out the issues they are having.


This may be some bigger glitz somewhere in the nets, i see the downloadtimes for several stations in Nordic Network wobbling currently from normal < 0.2 sec up to 100+ seconds/404-error.

I don’t know if its related, but my main page doesn’t want to load…the header and side bar come up, and i can click on the menu items and they open, apart from the forecasts page, which comes from WU.

Once in a while the main page will open, but the outlook icons (which I beleve come from WU), are missing.

My site was fine first thing this morning, and I’ve made no changes tothe web page files. :?

I’m seeing exactly teh same thing here in Australia … My main page and WU forecast pages won’t load, I wonder if there should be some code in the ajax-dashboard and other files that ignores WU if it can’t get an update?


Hello Everybody,

I’m having the same problem with www.wunderground.com and my weather station from Panama. The problem is that some how the routers of wunderground are having difficulties to route the packages correctly. My WS data was lost from 8AM-11:30AM. I think is a big server or router problem in wunderground.


It looks like the connection from the feeder router at no longer is passing packets to the WU subnet at and thence to www.wunderground.com at

Looks like their issue with their ISP/Hoster.

Best regards,

Update: 3-29-2009

Things seem to be working better/Normal here for my wunderground.



Wunderground is working here too:


Best regards,


Hmmm… Looks like they moved the IP address of wunderground.com and now it’s behaving normally

03/29/09 13:08:16 Spade Log 03/29/09 13:08:29 dns www.wunderground.com Canonical name: www.wunderground.com Addresses:

03/29/09 13:08:41 Fast traceroute www.wunderground.com
Trace www.wunderground.com ( …
1 0ms 0ms 0ms TTL: 0 (No rDNS)
2 No Response * * *
3 12ms 10ms 9ms TTL: 0 (No rDNS)
4 7ms 8ms 7ms TTL: 0 (te-8-2-ur01.santaclara.ca.sfba.comcast.net ok)
5 34ms 8ms 20ms TTL: 0 (be-30-ar01.sfsutro.ca.sfba.comcast.net ok)
6 12ms 19ms 11ms TTL: 0 (pos-1-6-0-0-cr01.sanjose.ca.ibone.comcast.net ok)
7 12ms 18ms 15ms TTL: 0 (te3-3.mpd01.sjc04.atlas.cogentco.com probable bogus rDNS: No DNS)
8 13ms 13ms 11ms TTL: 0 (te9-1.mpd01.sfo01.atlas.cogentco.com probable bogus rDNS: No DNS)
9 17ms 13ms 14ms TTL: 0 (vl3855.na21.b001865-1.sfo01.atlas.cogentco.com probable bogus rDNS: No DNS)
10 12ms 12ms 14ms TTL: 0 (wunderground.demarc.cogentco.com probable bogus rDNS: No DNS)
11 17ms 14ms 13ms TTL: 0 (No rDNS)
12 13ms 13ms 15ms TTL:246 (No rDNS)

Best regards,

I saw this on another forum yesterday…


[color=red]Re: [wuhu_software_group] Re: WU Problems

We switched to a new data center last night. Not all the bugs have been worked out unfortunately.

Alan Steremberg
Weather Underground
415-543-5022 x 103