$warmestdayonrecord--Extra Space?

I am working on a script that parses the warmestdayonrecord tags. The month and year tags have the same format, but the alltime tag appears to have an extra space between the temperature and unit of measure.

Here is the result of php’s explode:

For $mwarmestdayonrecord and $ywarmestdayonrecord:

array ( 0 => ‘’, 1 => '84.2

The quickest fix is a workaround.
Are you looking to strip off everything after the temp?

OK, workaround it is.

My page is: http://billhogsett.com/wd/wxOrecords-alltime.php

The workaround for the warmest day on record is:

                $WarmestDayonRecord = $this->getProperty(warmestdayonrecord);
		$d = explode(" ", $WarmestDayonRecord);
                $WarmestDayonRecordTemp = $d[1] . $d[2];
                $WarmestDayonRecordDate = date('F j, Y',   strtotime($d[5] . " " . $d[6] . " " . $d[7]));

with the workaround being the array elements are one higher than for the month and year warmest day on record code for the date and the temperature uses $d[2] to get the unit of measurement which is not needed in the month and year code.


the next update of WD will fix that extra space

Thanks, the update will break my code and then I will fix it. Pretty simple fix.
