Is My Camera streaming?

Hi all I speed-ed up My internet connection but In the process my IP Changed.

I know it Dark now but someone tell me if I am streaming? It is on My computer but I have been fooled before on that



Does not seem to be working for me.


OK Thanks. I must not be getting new correct port open


I just saw someone drive past :smiley: So it is working now.

The image comes up, but the clock isn’t changing.

Working for me. Was that Santa I saw? 8)

OK you folks have me real confused. I changed a setting… You folks can see it and I Cannot. I wonder if they hooked new modem up correct?

Thanks for feedback!


You may not be able to loopback through your own router.

Working here for me. 8)

I know they somehow backfeed the modem thru the phonelines… I bet thats the Problem


I get the two black boxes with the time. But no camera images.


I don’t think there’s anything to see unless a car goes past. Maybe Brad could stand out there with a flashlight or light a fire :lol:

Was working this am. Saw movement on the pine tree

How’d you get the sound to mute? I cant figure out
how to turn mine off.

Ah, now I see the light. #-o


Both work.

I am still using a Logitech 9000 and it software. Plus my Camera is outside in a heated camera housing. (like a security housing)

I actually have my Camera mounted on 2 antenna routers so I Can Rotate my camera 360 degrees and pan up and down @ same time.
