WordPress Blog Add On for Carterlake Templates updated for WP 2.9+


In Settings.php, I changed …

// default settings needed for various pages when the weather software plugin is not installed.
// do not change these
$SITE['WXsoftwareURL'] = '#';
$SITE['WXsoftwareLongName'] = '(unspecified)';
$SITE['WXtags'] = ' ';

to …

// default settings needed for various pages when the weather software plugin is not installed.
// do not change these
$SITE['WXsoftwareURL'] = '#';
$SITE['WXsoftwareLongName'] = '(unspecified)';
$SITE['WXtags'] = 'testtags.php';

… and it works.

Not sure if this is the correct way of fixing the problem, or if it affects anything else, but it’s looking good.