wunderground problems with uploading camera images

i ahve the panasonic bl-c140a and im having problems with automatically updating my picture. The picture sends to wunderground but it doesn’t refresh. The only way i can refresh it is going into the software given when purchasing the camera and restarting the buffer image, and when that happens only one image will appear that doesn’t get refreshed. I’m not sure if their are other panasonic bl-c140a people who have had the same problems or what, but some help would be greatly appreciated.

Hello there, I got exactly the same problem!!!

I purchased the camera in march 2012.

I mailed to wunderground and they told me, that my camera sends the pictures with delay. Its not a wunderground problem.

I really would like to attach the screenshots (17 for all the important settings) but unfortunally there are restrictions. So if you want to have them, please send me your emailadress via PM. Thanks alot!

Just posting a link to a possible solution:
