%maxgstdirectionletter% - Saratoga-Ajax script

I hope it’s okay to make a new thread about this subject.

I’m totally new at this and have been experimenting. First of all thanks for the scripts and your efforts.

On http://westweather.net on the right side you can see some of the script. It works, but there are a few things that don’t. Fx %maxgstdirectionletter%
Can somebody tell me why? What am I missing?

And where does it get the condition language from. I need to translate it, but can’t find it.

It’s the same problem here http://westweather.net/ww_aktuelt.html

Thanks in advance for your help.


I can’t think off the top of my head why some tags are working and some not?? Do you have the wxtags php?? Mine shows most info but some bits are missing, though not alot. www.halling-weather.co.uk/wxtags.php

I really like your site, and for a “beginner” me thinks you are not a novice at site creation :smiley:

What templates are you using???

Your flash header, how did you do that?? Is it a simple programme, freeware?? All I can find is free stuff with adverts on. (I tried Dreamweavers flash bit and boiled my brains)

None of your %wdtags% are being substituted by WD currently … the pages that have %wdtags% need to be uploaded by WD in order for the substitutions to take place. With JavaScript enabled while viewing your site, the values that appear in clientraw.txt do replace SOME of the conditions displayed on your page, but since clientraw.txt does not have all the values you need, it remains only SOME (and that includes your missing %maxgstdirectionletter%)

All pages that have %wdvars% in them must be uploaded by WD regularly in order to have the substitutions performed.

Hope this helps,
Best regards,

Hi, Ken

Could you tell me a little about how I do that or show me a thread about this subject?



Hi, Mr Plow

Thanks a lot. I’ve been doing php-fusion for a couple of years now. Which site are you refering to? http://westweather.net or http://kastext.com?

Whenever I use flash I use Swish Max.
