Carterlake/AJAX/PHP Multilingual template available


Maybe you could check my astronomy page too I have many weird dates at 1970. Why is that?

Here’s a fix for the language not sticking when the style switcher is not enabled. In Settings.php (near the end) replace

if($SITE['allowThemeSwitch']) {
  # begin Color Theme Switcher Plugin by Mike Challis
  $SITE['CSSscreen'] = validate_style_choice();
  # end Color Theme Switcher Plugin


if($SITE['allowThemeSwitch']) {
  # begin Color Theme Switcher Plugin by Mike Challis
  $SITE['CSSscreen'] = validate_style_choice();
  # end Color Theme Switcher Plugin
} else {
  session_start(); // for preservation of language settings.
  if ($SITE['CSSwideOrNarrowDefault'] == 'wide') {
          $_SESSION['CSSwidescreen'] = 1;
          $CSSstyle = str_replace ('.css','-wide.css',$SITE['CSSscreenDefault']);
  } else {
          $_SESSION['CSSwidescreen'] = 0;
          $CSSstyle = str_replace ('.css','-narrow.css',$SITE['CSSscreenDefault']);
  $SITE['CSSscreen'] = $CSSstyle;

and that allows the theme switcher to be disabled, and the language to ‘stick’ for the session.
You’ll also need to change

$SITE['CSSscreenDefault'] = 'weather-screen-blue-wide.css'; 
$SITE['CSSwideOrNarrowDefault'] = 'narrow';


$SITE['CSSscreenDefault'] = 'weather-screen-blue.css'; 
$SITE['CSSwideOrNarrowDefault'] = 'wide';

as this mod uses the values in those two settings to construct the $SITE[‘CSSscreen’] contents.

The dates on the wxastronomy.php page are trying to be translated from Danish to English and back again.
Since you are running WD in English, change

$SITE['WDlanguage'] = 'dk';


$SITE['WDlanguage'] = 'en';

and it should work fine :slight_smile:

Best regards,

You’re not running the World-ML template, and you’re using Norwegian dates in WD so it’s setting testtags.php with

$marchequinox = “05:49 UTC 20 mars 2008”; // March equinox date
$junesolstice = “00:00 UTC 21 juni 2008”; // June solstice date
$sepequinox = “15:45 UTC 22 september 2008”; // September equinox date
$decsolstice = “12:04 UTC 21 desember 2008”; // December solstice date
$moonperihel = “08:14 UTC 3 januar 2009”; // Next Moon perihel date
$moonaphel = “17:08 UTC 4 juli 2008”; // Next moon perihel date
$moonperigee = “23:20 UTC 29 juli 2008”; // Next moon perigee date
$moonapogee = “04:14 UTC 14 juli 2008”; // Next moon apogee date
$newmoon = “02:19 UTC 3 juli 2008”; // Date/time of the next/last new moon
$nextnewmoon = “10:13 UTC 1 august 2008”; // Date/time of the next new moon for next month
$firstquarter = “04:35 UTC 10 juli 2008”; // Date/time of the next/last first quarter moon
$lastquarter = “18:42 UTC 25 juli 2008”; // Date/time of the next/last last quarter moon
$fullmoon = “08:00 UTC 18 juli 2008”; // Date/time of the next/last full moon
$fullmoondate = " 18 juli 2008"; // Date of the next/last full moon (date only)
$suneclipse = “10:22 UTC 1 august 2008 Eclipse Total”; // Next sun eclipse
$mooneclipse = “14:39 UTC 9 februar 2009 Eclipse Half shadow”; // Next moon eclipse date
$easterdate = “23 mars 2008”; // Next easter date
$chinesenewyear = “7 februar 2008 ()”; // Chinese new year

In your Settings.php, just fix up the

# if your WD uploads almanac dates using a language OTHER THAN English, please put the month
# names in your language to replace the English ones below.  This is used primarily by the
# wxastronomy.php page for the local dates of moon phases, solistices, and equinoxes
$SITE['monthNames'] = array(  // for wxastronomy page .. replace with month names in your language 

and replace the English month names with Norwegian (using lower case for Norwegian names) and that should fix the wxastronomy.php page.

# if your WD uploads almanac dates using a language OTHER THAN English, please put the month
# names in your language to replace the English ones below.  This is used primarily by the
# wxastronomy.php page for the local dates of moon phases, solistices, and equinoxes
$SITE['monthNames'] = array(  // for wxastronomy page .. replace with month names in your language 

Best regards,


Thank you very much. That did the trick. I think I was misunderstanding the meaning of the “other than English” in the Settings.php, because I have read that text several times before without thinking about needing to change (I think that is because I have an English language template…).

Again, thanks!

Hi Ken

Now the session cookie is working fine.

I have changed the WdLanguage to ‘en’, but the problem is stille on the astronomy page.


You have the opposite issue as berdalweather … your testtags.php is uploading in English as you said

$marchequinox = “05:49 UTC 20 March 2008”; // March equinox date
$junesolstice = “00:00 UTC 21 June 2008”; // June solstice date
$sepequinox = “15:45 UTC 22 September 2008”; // September equinox date
$decsolstice = “12:04 UTC 21 December 2008”; // December solstice date
$moonperihel = “08:14 UTC 3 January 2009”; // Next Moon perihel date
$moonaphel = “17:08 UTC 4 July 2008”; // Next moon perihel date
$moonperigee = “21:21 UTC 1 July 2008”; // Next moon perigee date
$moonapogee = “04:14 UTC 14 July 2008”; // Next moon apogee date
$newmoon = “19:23 UTC 3 June 2008”; // Date/time of the next/last new moon
$nextnewmoon = “02:19 UTC 3 July 2008”; // Date/time of the next new moon for next month
$firstquarter = “15:04 UTC 10 June 2008”; // Date/time of the next/last first quarter moon
$lastquarter = “12:10 UTC 26 June 2008”; // Date/time of the next/last last quarter moon
$fullmoon = “17:31 UTC 18 June 2008”; // Date/time of the next/last full moon
$fullmoondate = " 18 June 2008"; // Date of the next/last full moon (date only)
$suneclipse = “10:22 UTC 1 August 2008 Eclipse Total”; // Next sun eclipse
$mooneclipse = “14:39 UTC 9 February 2009 Eclipse Half shadow”; // Next moon eclipse date
$easterdate = “23 March 2008”; // Next easter date
$chinesenewyear = “7 February 2008 ()”; // Chinese new year

But you have the Danish months set in $SITE[‘monthNames’]. You should put the English version back in the Settings.php for the month names and then the translations for the wxastronomy.php page should work fine.

# if your WD uploads almanac dates using a language OTHER THAN English, please put the month
# names in your language to replace the English ones below.  This is used primarily by the
# wxastronomy.php page for the local dates of moon phases, solistices, and equinoxes
$SITE['monthNames'] = array(  // for wxastronomy page .. replace with month names in your language 

Best regards,

Hi Ken

I have replace the danish month names with english month names, but the problem is still there.

First Quarter Moon, Full Moon, Last Quarter Moon, Start opf Summer and Start of Winter are wrong.

New Moon, Sart of Fall and Start of Winter seems to be ok.


WDL and WD-AJAX-PHP-World-ML (a perfect wedding)

First thing to do: configure wdlconfig.xml to your needs.
See if WDL is looking the way you want.

Done ??

Now the easy part:
open wdlconfig.xml with your favorite text-editor
between put english and save the file as wdlconfig-en.xml
between put danish and save the file as wdlconfig-dk.xml
between put dutch and save the file as wdlconfig-nl.xml
between put finnish and save the file as wdlconfig-fi.xml
between put greek and save the file as wdlconfig-el.xml
between put italian and save the file as wdlconfig-it.xml
between put norwegian and save the file as wdlconfig-no.xml
between put spanish and save the file as wdlconfig-es.xml
between put swedish and save the file as wdlconfig-se.xml
…and now
open wxlive.php from the WD-AJAX-PHP-World-ML package
var pathToConfig = “http://your domain here/wdlconfig.xml”;
and change it to
var pathToConfig = “http://your domain here/wdlconfig-<?php echo $SITE['lang']?>.xml”;

Upload all the files where they belong, and …watch the magic

PS.You have to take care the var pathToConfig points to the right place.
If you have an error telling you, you have the wrong serial number, take another look at the file-names.
They MUST be like wdlconfig-xx.xml.


You can do exactly the same for your MML, but…greek is not available, so I used english between the tags and save as mmlconfig-el.xml

EDIT:link to testsite so you can see (click the flags)

Ken (or anyone),

For some reason my new testpage doesn’t work. I’ve decided to change to the ML template so I’ve uploaded and configured everything in a test folder on my website.

The dashboard won’t show at all

Hi Ken,

about wxastronomy

strange things are happening here

some languages display ok, while others don’t

uploading testtags.php from an english XP-box => everything works(english month names in settings)
uploading from dutch XP-box SOME languages work(dutch month names in settings)

note: testtags is in the root and using dutch XP-box now
I guess it has to do with the language your OS is


Edit: both times using english Weather Display

Thanks Jozef! This is brilliant!! 8) :smiley: =D> =D> =D>

I’m going to take this and add it to the FAQ section on my site.

Best regards,

You’ll need to make some adjustments to Settings.php if you locate the site in a subdirectory.
$SITE[‘WXtags’] = ‘…/testtags.php’;
$SITE[‘clientrawfile’] = ‘…/clientraw.txt’;
and maybe
$SITE[‘fcsticonsdir’] = ‘…/forecast/images/’;
$SITE[‘imagesDir’] = ‘…/ajax-images/’;

to name a few. The graphs and wxhistory won’t work either, since they’re expected to be in the same directory as the respective pages (wxgraphs.php, wxhistory.php).

Your page doesn’t finish loading the dashboard because it currently can’t find the testtags.php file.

It’s why I disrecommend installing the template set in a subdirectory … lots of fiddly bits to adjust.

Best regards,

I see what you mean, Jozef.

There’s two sources for specifying what language is used for the months. In Settings.php, the $SITE[‘monthNames’] array is expected to be in English for the World-ML template. I also read the language-LL.js script (the localized language values used with ajaxWDwx.js in lang=LL) and load a $langMonths array from the var langMonths in the javascript. Here’s the function in wxastronomy responsible to convert the astronomy dates (in UTC and maybe with local language month names) to the specified local date/time in the selected language. I just realized if the dates are supposed to be in English from WD, then there’s no necessity to convert to English from local language.

Try changing wxastronomy.php from

 if (isset($SITE['monthNames'])) {
    // convert TO English for strtotime()
    echo "<!-- before utcstr='$utcstr' -->\n";
	foreach ($EnglishMonths as $i => $monthEN) {
	   $utcstr = preg_replace('|'.$SITE['monthNames'][$i].'|i',$monthEN,$utcstr);
    echo "<!-- after utcstr='$utcstr' -->\n";


  echo "<!-- input utcstr='$utcstr' -->\n";

/* // input dates are assumed to be in English only
 if (isset($SITE['monthNames'])) {
    // convert TO English for strtotime()
    echo "<!-- before utcstr='$utcstr' -->\n";
	foreach ($EnglishMonths as $i => $monthEN) {
	   $utcstr = preg_replace('|'.$SITE['monthNames'][$i].'|i',$monthEN,$utcstr);
    echo "<!-- after utcstr='$utcstr' -->\n";

(which comments out the Language->English conversion).

Best regards,


All files are now in the same ‘test’ folder (I’ve uploaded everything, including the image folders and the WD items).

So I’ve configured the Settings.php exactly like my main Settings.php and it simply won’t load anything… It’s very strange.

In my main Settings.php the clientraw and testtags path are simply ‘clientraw.txt’ and ‘testtags.php’ without any dashes or dots.
The tree structure there is:

I did the exact same thing in the test folder, which has a tree structure of:

As you can see, there’s no difference in the amount of subfolders…

I’ve also changed the path to clientraw in the ajax script file, and that is definitely loading (you can see the gizmo)

There may be some permissions things going on.
I tried loading and got a blank page
Doing the same on gets a page display (as it should).

Check the server error logs to see what might be happening in the /mordor/test/ directory for PHP pages not fully loading.

Best regards,

I have no idea where to find any logs (if there are any), but do you think the server might be limited to run php-scripts only in 1 main folder or something like that?

I don’t know … if you have a cPanel (or control panel for your website), check there for Logs or Error Logs.

It does run the script a bit in the will show the source, and it has to run PHP successfully to do that. Why it aborts the script early, I don’t know.

Have you got a php.ini file in the /mordor/test/ directory? How does it compare to the one in /mordor/berdalweather/?
Do both directories have .htaccess files? How do they differ?

Best regards,

There’s no .ini files anywhere, nor any .htaccess files. I don’t have a control panel since this server is originally my old email account. They started with free web hosting many years ago.
I am only using WS_FTP to upload files… the only thing I know what is is chmod but I tried every setting there too.

If you pm me you can have my ftp login information Ken.

PM sent…

Hi Ken

I have also tried to implement the last changes you suggested. But some of the dates on the astronomy page are still wrong using the english translation.
