FTP Downloads - problems with METARS etc

New to program. Having problems establishing downloads for METARS and other NOAA reports. When I was fist working on the FTP I came across a great tutor (and now I can’t remember where I saw it). ARe there any help files specific to this issue. Anyone point me in the right direction? I have established the correct files:

ftp://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/data/observations/metar/stations/KTRK.TXT as the METAR file I need. But I am getting this error from FTP

Permanent connection, will do ftp now
Checking for what else to do…
there are 3 more things to do
ERROR: 11004: [11004] Valid name, no data record (check DNS setup) at time/date

One thing I have found is that I can get the METAR report to download if I delete “Host name” and “Directory” entries in the upper right hand corner of the “FTP/METAR” tab of the ftp/internet setup page. So it must be something to do with that information. The host info I have been using is:

and the directory info is: /data/forecasts/zone/nv/
and the report is: nvz002.txt

try the latest beta, it might be better
but i will also try those noaa setting too, once i get the kids into bed


as the ftp server to download from works

but the directory does not exist, something wrong there