Graphs not displaying properly

Lately the graphs on my site ( are missing data and not displaying headings correctly. The windchill readings (yellow line) are incomplete and the heading is missing. Any ideas what would cause this? This information is very important right now as it is starting to get cold here.

What should the headings be? The windchill graph look fine to me, it is not possible to see it some places because the windchill is so close to the temp, the difference may only be a few tenths of a degree.


yes, i just looked, headings look OK
now, with the windchill, it looks like you are not using the new NOOA standard
tick that, under setup, units setup, i.e use the new windchill
it will then look less choppy

I upgraded to 99a from 97h and it fixed the problem, not sure why

i do see that i need to shift the label down slightly for the web only graphs…

the heading is gone again, it worked for a while then stopped again

i see that now on your latest update
boy, is it cold
where do you live?
if you could zip and email me your file latest.inf and month122003.inf so i can try and duplicate
and your file wdisplay.ini , from c:\windows or c:\winnt