Indoor Temps less than -20C not reported/plotted correctly

yeah, take it easy , Brian , for the users of WD - the REAL ones - this is a hobby and they know your support is second to none . Most of us when making suggestions or reporting inaccuracies or bugs want to work WITH you to solve any problem . Don't let some guys who threaten you with abandoning WD make you think otherwise . Most of us are in this for the long haul !

I have never seen such excellent support of a piece of software bought
over the internet, or in a box, for that matter. Your flexability to try
and help everyone is amazing.

As for the few instances where things go wrong for users, remember that
you offer everyone a 30 day free trial. During that time, it is the buyers
responsibility to evaluate the fit for their unique configuration, and then
make a buying decision.

Anyone buying your product, has to assume that it will do no more or
less than what they saw during the trial. The fact that you constantly
make it better and try your best to give people with problems your
individual attention, just makes Weather-Display a much more valuable

Best Wishes to you Brian,