modify bucket to 0.1mm

Sorry Breitling it was the tip size i was on about, its cause its in the rain offsets is why
i kept calling it the offset :oops:

The internal Diameter is now exactly 31cm thanks Breitling…
i cut the darn thing down too much, so much for the 0.1mm, it cant be too far off though :slight_smile:

I just want to give it a try Niko, see how it goes, if its too much then i will just remove it

It looks a bit ott i mist admit cause each stage i have made it bigger i just kept the older
one attached so it had the area for the new one to fit into, to its a 3 stage tower now lol

I also had to use a biggish flower container, finding a funnel was proving difficult for the size
wanted, so i went for something much bigger and cut it down…I aint attached it to the bucket
yet so no pics at present sorry, to be honest i dont really want to show it off either :oops: