Five Day Forecast

I would LOVE to be able to have the 5 day forecast show up on my web page Yahoo | Mail, Weather, Search, Politics, News, Finance, Sports & Videos but I just can’t seem to figure out how it’s done. I have gone to the NOAA FTP site as indicated in Setup, FTP/Metar, but I just get a text page that I can’t (too dumb) figure out. Any specific help from someone who has accomplished this would be VERY appreciated.

FWIW I know nothing about html…Geocities does it for me.


John, [email protected]
i see you have it uploading
to add that image to your web page, simply insert this code into the datahtm3.txt file:

<img src="forecast5day.gif" align="absbottom"

but first you need to get it working:
the file you need to set to download in the noaa ftp download (and you can use the #2 setup), is the one that noaa has on the web site (see the link to their directory structure which opens in your browser), and find the forecast zone, etc, for your location…
then click on select this file for the 5 day forecast on your pc (after it has downloaded)
then click on the main screen image icon, and it should show there ok
also make sure you dont have any non noaa settings enabled