Rain counter setup

I have just had to replace my rain counter (last one managed to get wet - DOH)
Anyway I replaced it in the same spot as the old one - no dice, wouldnt give up and ID, thought may have wired it up backwards - nope then everything stopped - EEEEK
Returned it and all working again except rain counter.
OK, tried it in soltaion - fine - got ID etc
Added back to chain and NO GO.

SOOO - cut the main wire - added in there and voila, it can now be seen.

HOWEVER, now i need the rain guage to do 2 tips for 1mm. Any idea why this might be the case - it used to be 1 tip. I have upgraded to the latest WD, but cannot suss out where in the s/w it says 2 counts is 1mm (I have selected the 1mm tip as mine does that), and it is a home made magnet and reedswitch that is working fine.

Any helps asap please is mucho appreciated as ive missed way too much so far this year already :frowning:



have you ticked the relevant boxes please see attachment


Have you replaced the buckets or just the read switch and magnet? Just trying to understand if the buckets measure 1mm or 0.5mm per tip. :wink:

If Mikeā€™s suggestion doesnā€™t work then you can try going to: Control Panel > Offsets & initial rain > Rain Offset > then set the ā€œModified raingauge new tip (mm)ā€ to 1.0.

Yes - NOTHING has changed on my hardware setup - same buckets - same reed switch - the rain collector is outside and hasnt moved, only the counter board has been replaced.
Yes the ROM ID has the new counter ID in it, and the 1mm is still ticked.

try the setting in the misc setup to ues page 14 instead of page 15 for the rain counter

Ah now, that is odd - i had already selected to Use Page 14 asthat was set from the previous counter module. I have switched it off to see what difference that makes. I will report back here as soon as I can.
