Indoor temp graph

No one has asked this so I must have missed a setting somewhere.

On the screen shot (not uploaded) the indoor temp is graphing just fine but when it gets uploaded to my page(s), the indoor temp is way off the scale, out of the north actually! The scale numbers are OK but the graph line is clear up in the wind direction. Both setups and on the uploaded graph only.

Both of my pages are doing it and neither has indoor humidity??

email me your latestindoor.inf file and your wdisplay.ini file from c:\windows or c:\winnt
but also, i have a new 9.91d verison, please try that

Yes, mine is similar. Note the humidity reading and lack of indoor temperature, as it has got mixed up onto the wind direction graph on my site and compare this with

what is the name of that file in your web files folder, andy

I gather you are referring to todays_weather, but the underscore is hidden. It is reading your file todaysweather.gif.

The other one is reading your todaysweathergraph.gif.

Hope that answers your question.

but weather dsuiplay does not create a file name by that by default
you must have assigend it differently under the custom web page setu[
what is the default name

fixed it!
it was the graph file, i.e graph only, instead of screen shot

uploading verison 9.91e now

Those file names are the ones I renamed and customised for myself Brian.

Have now downloaded v9.91e

9.91e should be OK, yes?

will let you know